Pains Wessex 50200 Speedline LTA

Pains Wessex 50200 Speedline LTA

Mã sản phẩm: Pains Wessex 50200 Speedline LTA
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Pains Wessex Speedline Line Throwing Apparatus

A self contained line throwing unit consisting of a weatherproof plastic casing with end cap, twist-grip trigger assembly, rocket and line. Fully compliant to the latest international SPOLAS legislation, the device has a throwing range of between 230m and 250m and meets world-wide approval standards.
The Pains Wessex LTA is designed for ease of operation in the most extreme weather conditions. It can be used in all situations where a line is required to be passes accurately and quickly, these include: all line-throwing operations at sea between vessels, ship-to-shore, shore-to-ship, and shore based rescue services, rescue of swimmers in distress and line carrying across obstacles and rough terrain.

Nhà cung cấp
  • Veno
  • Uvex
  • Steel bule
  • Rw
  • Regeltex
  • Nomex
  • Newtex
  • Nederman
  • Msa
  • Krusher
  • Ansell splash
  • Kcl
  • Intespiro
  • Haws
  • Camp safety
  • 3m